Peace Education Click here for Jean Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development
Education has an important role in everyone's life. it teaches to individual that how to build a culture of peace and spread peace by making good relationship with the people.
But things were different in Past, people gave force on Cognitive learning as a result of that learners got mentally harassed. Society started suffering from the non-violent behaviour of the people.
Education is not give you only right path but it is also a difference maker. Education changes human being personality by the changing in behaviour and attitude of the people.
" It also develops inner and outer peace among people and also teaches the qualities of moral values and non-violent behaviour."
Concept of Peace Education:
The basic concept of peace education is to maintaining peace globally. Peace education is the concept of planning to develop social values, moral values, skills and behaviour of a person or learners and most important is to spread peace in atmosphere. It also realizes us our fundamental duties and rights.
" Peace education is declines the evil thinking of conflict or violence"
Specific definition of Peace Education:
There is a number of definition on the subject of peace education by many educationist. among them some important definition is given following:-
According to Swami Vivekananda " The real meaning of education is to develop the inner peace."
According to Albert Einstein, " Peace is not only the absence of war but also presence of justice."
According to Freire, " Peace education is a mechanism for the transformation of a culture of violence in to a culture of peace through the process."
Objective of Peace Education:
Peace education is a primary pillar for development of society and culture as well as for the country. the objectives of peace education is given following-
1. To established peace in our culture and society.
2. Peace education can resolve the clouds of conflict.
3. To develop a sense of social responsibility.
4. To make the people aware about their fundamental duties and rights.
5. It is develop the will of tolerance, acceptance of others and respect for difference.
6. To make joyful life of the people.
7. It develops good relations among the people to remove the conflicts and establish Peace.
8. To bring good changes for making the world a place of humanity.
9. To modify the behaviour at the global level to remove the war situations.
10. To promote Positive human relations.
Peace as a dynamic social reality:
Social environment are dynamic, so if we talk about peace in social environment then it can not be static. social environment is the presence of different different people. everyone's life get affected by peace and vice-versa.
In reality, peace is bounded combination of social, Political, cultural and psychological issues which includes self-determination, political and personal autonomy, religious affairs, social justice and human rights. if society is living within common framework then sometimes we can say about that society is with peace as a static peace.
Relevance of Peace education in national and international context:
One of the best method to Promote peace globally is through the education system. UNICEF (United nations international children's Emergency fund) defines to peace education as the process of promoting knowledge, skills, values and attitude to bring behaviour changes, that will enable children or human beings to prevent from conflict and violence or resolve conflict peacefully.
"When peaceful condition will be in society, then all activities take place in their proper form. but if the atmosphere of peace get disturbed then the normal functions of society get disturbed."
There are many Organization and institutions who are largely involved to promote Peace Globally is given following-
- United Nations
- Nobel peace prize
- Amnesty International
- International Bureau of Peace
- National Peace foundation
- Pathways to Peace
i. United Nations:
On 24th October 1945, this organization came in to existence with 51 countries were agree on it to remove conflicts together globally. Today almost every country is part of this alliance to spread peace globally.
The main objective of the United Nations is-
To develop friendly relation at international level.
To maintain peace globally.
ii. Nobel Peace Prize:
Nobel prize came in existance by the Alfred Nobel. He had the vision of different world. Alfred Nobel says that, any person or group who does something effectively to improve social atmosphere then this prize is given to them in honor.
This prize generally given to those personalities who have done something peacefully in their lives like Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa etc.
iii. Amnesty International:
This organization is launched by British Lawyer Peter Benenson in 1961, it's main objective was to protect human rights like stopping violence against women.
iv. International Bureau of Peace:
It's objective was to establish peace by removing the situations.
v. National Peace Foundation:
This foundation came in existance in 1975 to empower citizens at community level for spread peace education.
vi. Pathways to peace:
it is international organization which motivate to society to be peaceful. basically which gives the method to how to spread peace on national level as well as international level.
Peace Education in India and its development:
To establish peace, India has a long period of history where the Upanishad, Puran and Vedas shows the path of peace. later on many great personalities came and promoted to peace.
According to Swami Vivekananda, " real meaning of education is to develop inner peace."
Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore also got attention of the world towards their peaceful acts.
Indian government is also playing main role to promote Peace education at National level as well as International level. nowadays our education system's policy and curriculum changed and added peace education, so that our children get prepared for peace and to increase ability of children's to contribute in favour of development of society as well as country.
To develop peace education in India so many steps taken like..flexibility of classroom is increasing, Peace education is added in curriculum and many national curriculum framework added.
Role of education in Promotion of Peace:
Education is the best tool to promote Peace at social level, Most society and culture are burdened with socio-political inequalities, religious disparities, gender discrimination and urban-rural division which lead to violent and conflict in their society and culture.
we also know that education helps in understanding of developmental issues and transformation of society in to peaceful and equitable.
Promotion of peace through education can created in the following ways-
1. Throughout all religious place
2. Through peace education programmed in curriculum
3. By discuss issues on peace
4. Through social responsibility
5. Through School
6. Through events and programs
7. Through enforced justice
8. Through Choices
9. By using of trained teacher to overcome the conflict.
10. By Promoting the Gender Equality
11. Through text and context in curriculum
1. Throughout all religious place:
Religious conflict is one of the important issue which is existing in our societies like cancer in bone marrow.
As religious leader, it is good to know that we have a task of establishing peace in our societies. religious leader is considering in our society like root of societies, which make impact on individuals , groups, community and societies so they should have to complete their task to establish peace in the society.
2. Through Peace education in Curriculum:
Peace education gives knowledge about to resolve conflict peacefully, which helps every individual to make their life better and purposeful. so world peace can be promoted through education and particularly through peace education.
3. By discuss issues on peace:
By the discuss issues on peace in school or classroom, their pupils will be able to get to know about how to resolve conflict peacefully, they will be come able to differentiate between behaviour of peace and conflict, how to established peace in their home and society. because if our pupils knows to established peace then of course they will contribute in the world peace.
4. Through Social responsibility:
Every individuals should get to know their social responsibility to establish peace like caring to people in their society, caring to planet etc.
5. Through School:
School is the best medium to promote peace through education. always talk about peaceful ways to resolve conflict. through education pupils get understanding about knowledge, skills, attitude, gratitude, Social values, economical values as well as political values for peace, by which pupils will able to find out the ways of establish peace in their society.
6. Through Events and Program:
we can also spread the education about peace through the Religious,Social and cultural events or program.
7. Through Enforced Justice:
It is a type of a peace in which local magistrate are authorised to make peace through enforced justice in their social environment.
8. Through free of choice:
It is second type of peace, in this every individual are free to choose either they individually choose peace on his choice or by enforce justice.
9. By using trained Teacher:
Teacher is a important role in education system, so in Government or Private school trained teacher should be appointed because they know everything perfectly that how to resolve conflict peacefully and how to make peace environment.
10. By Promoting the Gender Equality:
Does gender equality lead to pace? Yes it is, women participating increase the probability of peace environment. if everywhere gender discrimination will comes down to ground then both gender will feel happy and will make peace environment.
11. Through Text and Context in Curriculum:
Text and context in curriculum should not be discriminating on the basis of religion, community, caste or gender. because if text context will be balanced then pupils will able to understand the unity and peace environment in their society and culture.
12. Power of Politics:
In our system, power of politics is showing by spreading the violence mostly, so it should not be like that. leader used there coercive power of politics to spread conflict in their society, while it should used in resolve to conflict and in spreading of peace in the societies.
Ten ways to promote peace individually and independently:
i. Develop your understanding of your Mind's frame to peace and to resolve conflict successfully.
ii. Believe that your own group is superior than other group in especially classroom.
iii. Develop the understanding of your strong emotions that underpin conflict and violence.
iv. Pay attention to the ways of your communication are used to support conflict and violence.
v. Join those groups which have goal to mission of social justice and peace.
vi. Appreciate and Donate time and money to peace organization or group.
vii. Practice forgiveness and acts of kindness.
viii. Shape and make role model for yourself to inspires other.
ix. A sense of safety and security for your society.
x. Access information about successful peace initiatives.
Teacher's role in Promoting Peace:
Teacher is an agent of change. a teacher have must address their area of expertise, this the duty and responsibility to educate people about what is new in their respective field.
For example,
A doctor educate the people about basic health issues, problems and its solution. Similarly an educator or a teacher gives light on educational issues, problems and solution.
Most of teachers are forget to plan peace when they planning a lesson plan or teaching plan but they can promote peace in own method by adding peace environment in their planning or in curriculum.
Further we can discuss about role of teacher to promote peace in some points is given following:-
- A teacher whether school college or university is a chief agent of change. Teacher is a foundation of any schools college or institutions because what teacher will deliver our pupils will get. To making peace environment teacher's role is very important.
- As a classroom teacher, teacher is a leader to lead their pupils, they can make it an ideal place.
- Declare your classroom as "a Peace Zone". Do not tolerate any kind of bullying.
- Teach conflict resolution skills in that way in which children enjoy very much like through role-playing.
- Teacher ask to students about peace, it is naturally that all students will give different different answer, it is okay. peace does not means only world peace. it is our inner peace,social peace and natural peace.
- If school have any even like annual function, poetry recitation, musical competition then conclusively all program's theme should be on Peace. through which teacher educate the pupils as well society about established of peace.
- By introducing about natural peace or Nature peace in the classroom that how that get affected like by pollution, Noise etc. by which we can established peaceful environment.
- Be a good example, do not represent your personality as awkward in front of the children or in classroom. Do not gossip in classroom.
- Workshop to be organized by which children will come able to know about the world.
- Teachers hold the potential to assist peace building in different-different important ways.
Our Indian Ex-President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam linked Nation's Success to the Peace.He referred the Buddhist message that statement is-
If you want peace, remove "I and Me"
when you remove I and me " You remove Ego"
when you remove Ego "You remove Hatred"
when you remove hatred " You have Peace"
Dr. S. Radhakrishnan said for Peace,
"It is essential for us not to live apart but to live together."
" Let us work together
Think together
Achieve together
with no hatred with each other." Click here for Jean Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development
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