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Jean Piaget Theory or Cognitive Development theory

 Jean Piaget Theory (1896-1980)          Link:Concept of Learning

Jean Piaget was the scientist of Switzerland.

When he was 10 years old only then he published their first Research article on sparrow was playing in the public garden. 

Jean piaget's basically was a scientist of Natural science and Biological science. he did doctorate in natural science.

             Jean Piaget's field of study:

                                                      i. Doctorate in Natural science

                                                     ii. Biological science

                                                    iii. Social science

                                                    iv. Philosophy

He had a special interest in biological science. so he started to use the principle of biological science to solve the problem of theory of knowledge (Gyan-Mimansa). he was very curious about theory of knowledge, this interest pushes him in the world of Psychology.

Then he starts study about Psychology in Europe based laboratory. there they have to conduct exams for their students. when he observed the assessment of students then 3 questions comes in his mind that is-

1. Why learners or children gives wrong answer?

2. How children are think?

3. How children acquire knowledge?

these questions are pushes to jean piaget towards to study about Psychological behaviour of children. after research of many years this theory comes in known as Cognitive Development theory or Piaget's theory.

"Piaget's theory not focus only on understanding how children acquire knowledge, but also on understanding the nature of intelligence."

Cognitive theory of Jean Piaget:

                                                     "All children passes through a number of universal stages of cognitive development ".

Learners or children first get thought then comes development of language.

Piaget's theory also known as the discontinuous of 4 stages of cognitive development.

Piaget gives 4 stages of cognitive development-

                                                              i. Sensorimotor stage                  age of  0-2 years old.

                                                             ii. Pre-Operational stage              age of  2-7 years old.

                                                            iii. Concrete operational stage      age of  7-11 years old.

                                                             iv. Formal Operational stage        age of  12 & up

i. Sensorimotor Stage: 

                                   Children realize that their action cause things is happen in the world around them.

ii. Pre-Operational Stage: 

                                    Children begins to think symbolically and learn to use words and pictures to                                            represent object.

iii. Concrete Operational Stage: 

                                                  Children started to think logically.

iv. Formal Operational Stage: 

                                              This stage basically started from thirteen years and up is called Teen Stage. Teen begins to think more about concept, moral, social and political issues that require theoretical.

Process of Learning by Jean Piaget:

                                                      There are mainly four process of Learning for children according to Jean Piaget given following-

1. Schemas: 

                   Schema describes to both Mental and Physical actions involved in understanding and knowing.

Piaget says, 

                 It includes both a category of knowledge and the process of obtaining the knowledge with presence of mind and physical actions.

Note-  Piaget's theory of Cognitive development helped add to children's intellectual growth.

2. Assimilation: 

                          "In simple word assimilation is applying Previous knowledge."

         The process of taking or learning new information in our existing schemas is known as assimilation.

3. Accommodation: 

                           "In simple word accommodation is change in behaviour in account of new information."

It involves modifying in existing knowledge/schemas/thought/ideas as a result of new information or new experience is called accommodation.

4. Equilibration: 

                           All children try to strike a balance between assimilation and accommodation is equilibration. 

it helps to how students make move from one stage of thought to the next.

  • Cognitive development Process includes three categories-

                                                                                            i. Cognition

                                                                                           ii. Affection

                                                                                          iii. Connation or Action


                 when a child seen a creature crawling on the ground, then he or she get sense of sneak. it is called cognition, when child feel emotional and fear feelings is called affection and then after child because of fear started to run away is called action or connation.

Why Jean Piaget's theory is important in education?

Jean Piaget's theory describe about early childhood education, how children are learns, in this process children learns in own way and sometime they make error so we can reduce the error of children.

How children are get potential? to overcome this problem piaget introduced a Theory of Zone of Potential Development (ZPD).

Zone of Potential Development (ZPD): Vygotsky

                                                           ZPD Theory is given by Vygotsky in 1978. Zone of potential development is also known as zone of Proximal development. which refers to the development of learner's skills, attribute, attitude and aptitude in the classroom.

                              "Difference between actual development level determined by independently problem solving skills and the level of potential development determined through problem solving skills under the guidance of teacher or someone."

Mainly  it defines the three zone for learners.

First Zone:          They can solve the problems or issues independently without guidance.

Second Zone:      In this zone learners can solve problems and issues with or under the guidance of a                                   teacher.

Third Zone:         In this zone learners can not solve the problems even in the guidance of a teacher.

Link:Concept of Learning


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