Lev Vygotsky's Theory Vs
Jean Piaget's Theory
Click here of Vygotsky's Theory
Click here for Jean Piaget's Theory
There are both theory is
similar because both are defining the factor of cognitive development for
children. But difference is that factors given by Vygotsky and piaget is
So now we will discuss
on difference in factors through the various concept and points. which is given
Vygotsky says that, children are social
friendly and cognitive development is impact by social and culture
On other hand Piaget says that, Children are
more independent and cognitive developed by self-centered by focusing on
Vygotsky's theory is a continuous process,
while Piaget's theory is discontinuous process with four different stages
of cognitive development.
Role of Language:
Vygotsky says that language plays a powerful and major role in shaping thought,
while Piaget says that Language plays a minimal role, language provides only a labels
for children's experience. i.e. egocentric speech.
Vygotsky says there
are no any stages for cognitive development, it is continuous process, while
Piaget Strongly focused on 4 stage for cognitive development.
Sociocultural Context:
Vygotsky says Society and culture strongly
involved in language and cognitive development. while piaget gives little
emphasis on sociocultural context.
Vygotsky says Language developed in
children due to social constructivist, while Piaget says language developed in
children due to cognitive constructivist.
Key Processes in
development & learning:
Vygotsky says Zone of Potential
Development, scaffolding and language tools of the culture, while Piaget
says that Schema, Assimilation, Adaptation, Accommodation and Equilibration.
Vygotsky established opportunity for children to
learn through ZPD concept, while Piaget theory Support children to explore their
world and discover knowledge.
According to Vygotsky, Culture
affects cognitive development while piaget says not enough.
Cognitive and
Vygotsky says social learning comes
before cognitive development, while Piaget says that Cognitive development
developed first and then Language developed.
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