Source Transformation:
Source transformation can be defined as simple replacing one source by an Equivalent source and Voltage source can be transform in current source and vice-versa.
- Conversion of Voltage Source in to Current source:
here going to explain different types of source transformation including transformation of voltage and current source are give following:
- Series adding configuration of voltage source:
- Series Opposing configuration of Voltage source:
- When two or more voltage source in parallel:
- When Resistance in Parallel with Voltage source:
- Conversion of Current Source in to Voltage Source:
- When two or more current source are in parallel with same direction:
- When two or more current source are in parallel with Opposite direction:
- When two or more Current source are connected in series:
- When a Resistance in series with Current source:
Dependent Source:
As we know in circuit of independent source, value of the source quantity does not affected in any way by activities in the remainder of the circuit,
But, in circuit of dependent source, the value of source quantity is determined by a voltage or current existing some other location in the system being analyzed. Dependent source is also known as Controlled source. Sources such as these appears in many electronic devices, such as Transistor and Operational amplifiers etc.
There are four different types of dependent source:
a. Current-Controlled Current source
b. Voltage-Controlled Current Source
c. Voltage-controlled voltage source
d. Current-controlled voltage source
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