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The Social History of Viruses like Pandemic Covid-19

Keep Distance and be Safe | Pandemic Covid-19

Nowadays everybody is afraid due to Covid-19 virus and from last 3 Months most of the country over the World is going in Lock-down because of this we are and our Country facing so many problem either it is about economic issue or it is about our Health issue.

All the country is gradually opening the captive. So i request to all of you that please make a social distance.
Don't go outside on that place where is possibility to get in touch with people. if you don't have any urgent then never you step-out.

History is witness about these type of Viral

Yes, before also our people struggle with these type of viral and won that struggle after lost of millions of people.

Like "Smallpox and Measles Viruses  are oldest that infect human very badly.
In 1580 all over world were struggling about Smallpox viral virus and In 1918, one Virus was viral which called Influenza Pandemic. it was gradually increasing frequency in subsequent centuries.

The pandemic of 1918-19, in which 40-50 millions people died in less than a year only. it was the most horrible viral in the history. somewhere this centuries known as "Black Centuries".

There are so many Viruses like "Herpes Virus", "PotyVirus" which Spreaded from potato that is why it's also known as "Plant virus", "Emergent Virus" etc.....
There are so many viruses but i am not writing here to you get to know about history........
Simply i want from all of you that please be serious don't think that Covid-19 is a joke.....
otherwise it can be destroy to your life or your family or your generation.

Humble Request

It is humble request to all of you that please don't go at crowd place and please make particular social distance. 
If you will be safe then your village or District or State will be safe, 
If your state will be safe then your Country will be safe, 
If your Country will be safe then our World will be safe.👋



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